Project Information
Read the Executive Summary and the full Technical Report.
What is the Central Arkansas Regional Greenways Plan?
This planning study outlines future paved bicycle and pedestrian paths and trails, called greenways, to connect Faulkner, Lonoke, Pulaski, and Saline Counties. Metroplan, the region’s planning organization, dedicated substantial funding to construct greenways that increase local and regional connectivity and mobility, while fostering economic development, quality of life, and recreation opportunities.
After considering their local planning efforts, mayors, county judges, engineering and planning professionals and other community leaders across the four-county region spent countless hours determining the most alluring and viable routes shown on the webmap.
User Survey Results
Steering Committee Members
Judge Barry Hyde - Pulaski County Judge
Jon Honeywell - City of Little Rock Public Works Director
Mayor Terry Hartwick - City of North Little Rock
Judge Jeff Arey - Saline County Judge
Mayor Tom Farmer - City of Benton
Mayor Ken Kincade - City of Cabot
Mayor Trae Reed - City of Lonoke
James Walden - City of Conway Planning & Development Director
Adrienne Collins - Rock Region Metro